Retreats (Faculty/Administrative Retreats)Personalized individual renewal retreats are designed to assist singles or couples in discerning what God may be doing in their lives and are shaped according to the concerns the individuals want to address. Each day offers time for counsel, time to be alone with God in beautiful western North Carolina, and time for relaxation.
Group spiritual renewal retreats focus on perspectives and practices for spiritual renewal, a closer walk with God, and expanding one's prayer life. Personal retreats are offered in our home in North Carolina while group retreats are offered at various venues. |
Professional Development at Your SiteDr. Graham comes to schools for workshops and in-service training to facilitate Christian thinking about the educational process. He also works with gatherings of teachers from a variety of schools for one day workshops engaging both private and public school teachers.
Consulting, Coaching, Spiritual Guidance, Chaplain at Large
These services, including spiritual companionship and counsel, are offered to individuals, departments, or an entire school faculty. They are individually designed according to the needs and desires of the individuals or schools involved and may involve onsite visits, communication via Skype, or other electronic communication.